labiaplasty aftercare
Does labiaplasty need special care?
Does labiaplasty have pain?
Can I do heavy activities after labiaplasty?
When can I have sexual intercourse?
Above questions are common questions of the patients after surgery. Here, we explain labiplasty aftercares, to reach the best result.
Labiaplasty aftercare
A gynecologist recommends to apply cold compress. In first 2 days to reduce pain, burning and swelling of the surgery.
You can use tetracycline ointment, 2 days after surgery, and based on your surgeon’s prescription. This ointment prevents risks of dermal infection, bacterial infection and treats dermal scars. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection, which should be used regularly.
You may have little pain after surgery, so, surgeons always prescribe medications to reduce this pain and discomfort. Keep in mind that, you experience this pain just in first days.
You can do light activities and exercises and slow walking after surgery. But heavy activities should be stopped for 8 weeks after labiaplasty.
Sexual intercourse in first days van lead to bleeding and infection, so, you should avoid intercourse for 1 month to reduce possible risks and complications.
You should visit your gynecologist, 1 week after labiaplasty, to consider recovery process. A gynecologist, Dr. Bahmanpour, reposes you all recommendations and aftercares.
Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist
Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran
Tell: +9821- 26641827
+9821- 26641908
+9821- 1831
+98912- 0897425