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common questions

Common questions

A gynecologist, Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour tries to answer your common questions related to female problems. Some of the most common questions are as following:

  1. Who are suitable for performing labiaplasty?

Labiaplsaty is suitable for everyone except those who have infection or prevention cases. In general, labiaplasty is recommended to those have following problems:

  • Asymmetry labia
  • Reduction clitoral stimulation
  • Rugosity labia
  • Lack of beautiful labia
  • Pain during the sexual intercourse
  • Too many childbirth
  • Enlarged labia minora


  1. Does insurance cover the labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty doesn’t include the insurance.


  1. Does the labiaplasty need anesthesia?

Labiaplasty doesn’t need anesthesia. Labiaplasty is an outpatient surgery and is done under the local anesthesia.


  1. How long does the recovery take?

Labiaplasty has less convalescence due to high blood circulation of labia. The patient should rest 1 day and should avoid exercising for 1 month and have sexual intercourse 1 month after the surgery.


  1. Does labiplasty reduce the sexual sensation?

Mostly think that labiaplasty reduces the sexual sensation, but it’s a wrong believe.

If someone has enlarge labia, the sexual sensation is more. Labiaplasty doesn’t reduce the sexual sensation, in fact, it increases sexual sensation.


  1. What are the orgasm points?

2 points have key role in orgasm: clitoral point and G point.

During the intercourse, clitoris travels forward the vagina and more connection leads to more sexual pleasure.

Some people have orgasm at G point.


  1. What are the reason of Preeclampsia?
  • Inadequate blood circulation of uterus
  • Damage into the vessels wall
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Bad diet


  1. Which tests are necessary for women?
  • Pop- smear to prevent uterus cancer
  • Mammography to prevent the breast cancer
  • Bone densitometry to prevent osteoporosis

common questions

  1. How can diagnose an uterine prolapse?

To diagnose an uterine prolapse, the following symptoms should be considered:

  • Urinary infrequency
  • Back pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Increased vaginal leakages
  • Constipation
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Tensmonce
  • Excessive bleeding during the menses
  • Feeling such as exiting something from the vagina


  1. What is the sterility ampule and its complication?

Depo ampule is one way to prevent pregnancy, previsionally. This ampule is injected in health center. And has complication such as bleeding.


  1. What is the treatment of vaginal wart?

Laser resurfacing or surgery is used, based on the location and size of the wart.


Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist

Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran

Tell: +9821- 26641827

+9821- 26641908

+9821- 1831

+98912- 0897425

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