uterine inversion
An uterine inversion is one of the rare complication of childbearing where the uterus partially or completely turns inside out.
At acute stages, there is a high risk of bleeding and even death of mother.
Diagnosis of uterine inversion is possible through these 3 clinical symptoms:
- Bleeding
- Shock
- Severe pelvic pain
Causes of uterine inversion
The exact cause of inversion is not well understood. However, the following risk factors are associated with it:
- labor lasting longer than 24 hours
- a short umbilical cord
- prior deliveries
- abnormal or weak uterus
- previous uterine inversion
- placenta accreta, in which the placenta is too deeply embedded in the uterine wall
Diagnosis of uterine inversion
A doctor can usually diagnose a this problem easily. Possible symptoms are as following:
- Protruding uterus from the vagina
- The uterus doesn’t feel like it’s in the right place
- Loosing massive blood or a rapid decreasing of blood pressure
The mother may also experience some of the following symptoms of shock:
- Light headedness
- Dizziness
- Tiredness
- Shortness of breath
Treatment of uterine inversion
Treatment should begin as soon as possible after diagnosis of uterine inversion. A gynecologist, pushes top of the uterus back into the pelvis through the dilated cervix. If the placenta hasn’t separated the uterus is usually repositioned first. Doctor or nurse, prevents bleeding by manual massaging.
The mother will be given intravenous fluids and a blood transfusion if necessary. To prevent the infection, using antibiotics is recommended.
New treatments are based on using a balloon inside the uterine cavity and filled it with a saline solution to push the uterus back into position. This procedure has successful rate and is effective to prevent bleeding.
If the gynecologist can not be able to return the uterus into its primary form, surgical treatment is used.
An uterine inversion is a rare but serious condition, which can lead to severe bleeding, shock, and even death of mother. If the uterus can’t be put back into the primary position, surgery may be required.
Diagnosis and treatment of inversion is so easy. If treated quickly, the mother can recover fully without long-term damage to her uterus.
Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist
Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran
Tell: +9821- 26641827
+9821- 26641908
+9821- 1831
+98912- 0897425