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itchy breast

Itchy breast

If you have feeling if pain or itching on your breast, refer to this article. In most cases, itchy breast driven from wearing improper suits, but if this problem continues and irritates you, should refer a gynecologist to treat the problem.

Itchy breast causes

Some women experienced itchy breast on their nipples, due to the allergic reactions of the skin, using cosmetics products and contact with this chemical substances. So, women should care about choosing their cosmetics products.

Dry skin also cause itchy breast. You can use lotions or special creams to keep your breast moisture.

Itchy breast can be a sign of pregnancy with is along with pain.

It should be noted that, other signs and symptoms such as, tumor, changes in breast shape or fluid discharge should be considered. This signs can be indication of infection, cysts or tumor.

itchy breast

Breast pain

Breast pain also known as mastalgia, is a common problem among the women before menstrual. In this period, women feel swelling and pain in their breast due to the hormonal changes. This problem can be removed by using special gels and massaging.

Another breast pain is seen in old women due to the breast cancer. This kind of cancer is not common, but can cause itching, inflammation, redness and breast pain.

Mastitis is an infection of the milk products, due to the inflammation of the breast tissue. This problem accompanies with symptoms such as, fever or fatigue. The gynecologist, prescribes antibiotics to treat the problem.


Breast cancer is not related to the breast cancer. Having breast pain does not mean you will have breast cancer.

Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist

Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran

Tell: +9821- 26641827

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