Urinary incontinence and TOT
Most women suffer from problems such as, urinary incontinence. This problem occurs when bladder can not control the urine and causing discharges. Urethra is a canal that retain the urine in bladder. But sometimes, the muscles of this area become weaken so, urinary incontinence is seen in individuals.
- Pregnancy
- Chronic cough in smokers
- Those who do heavy exercises such as lifting heavy things
Are factors that increase risk of urinary incontinence. Moreover, genetic also affects on this problem.
Urinary incontinence has psychological effects on a person’s life. Women who have this problem, avoid to do some activities, this have fear of having urine discharges.
Todays, doctors remove this problem by using TOT.
What is TOT?
TOT or transobturator tape, is placed through incisions on the crease of your inner thighs.
TOT, stops urine leakage when coughing, sneezing or laughing. This is a non- invasive and outpatient procedure and don’t need to stay at hospital. This surgery is a successful procedure to remove signs and symptoms of urinary incontinence.
During surgery, lower parts of the body becomes numb, and also has a rapid and short recovery time. Tape is placed under the urethra and incisions are created. Surgeons consider inside the bladder by putting a telescope inside that area, and lasts 30 minutes.
Then, a catheter drains the bladder and removes few hours after the surgery. If not enough drainage of bladder, the catheter should remain for a long time. Sometimes, surgeons prescribe antibiotics to prevent the infections.
Nearly all patients who have had TOT procedure have high level of satisfaction. Though, there is possibility of leakages, but, this surgery affects on women’s life quality.
Women who have stress urinary incontinence, are the best candidates of TOT. primary treatment of urinary incontinence, prevents further risks and complications.
Contact Us
Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist
Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran
Tell: +9821- 26641827
+9821- 26641908
+9821- 1831
+98912- 0897425