labiaplasty procedure
Labiaplasty procedure is a cosmetic surgery of the genital, which is used to increase appearance of the genital. This surgery is so sensitive and should be done by a skilled and knowledgeable gynecologist. Dr. Bahmanpouri perform such cosmetic surgeries with high level of success.
During labiaplasty, considerable amount of labia is removed, so, surgeons should consider various aspects such as symmetry, size and form of the labia.
Those women who have had many childbearing and are not satisfied about appearance of their genital, are good candidates of labiaplasty. Because, childbirth affects on vagina and changes vaginal form and beauty.
Benefits of labiaplasty are as
- Labia rejuvenation
- Reducing size of big and wide labia
- Enhance appearance of labia
- Increase desire of sexual intercourse
Having big labia can be hereditary or due to pregnancy or hormonal changes.
Important considerations
Before surgery, patients will have a consultation with Doctor Bahmanpour, to get related and enough information. Inform your surgeon, if having any problem or previous surgery.
Labiaplasty procedure is done under local anesthesia and has a short recovery time.
Post – operative care of labiaplasty
After labiaplasty, you should rest enough. And avoid to have sexual intercourse, 1-2 month after surgery.
You may have light pain few days after surgery, so, surgeons prescribe some drugs to reduce pain.
Ointments should be used based on the surgeon’s prescription.
Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist
Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran
Tell: +9821- 26641827
+9821- 26641908
+9821- 1831
+98912- 0897425