pelvic organ prolapse
Most women shy telling their problem to a doctor or gynecologist. But women should care about their health. Just only a gynecologist can solve and remove the women’s problems. One of the problems, which is increasing among women, is called pelvic organ prolapse.
Most women suffer from the problems related to pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence. Pelvic organ prolapsed is appeared during the year due to the childbearing damages.
The expansion of the tissues will be worsen gradually and during the time. Loses the estrogen can be result in the removing the collagen in vaginal tissues, muscles and vaginal fascia.
There is an interesting point that, today’s the new born children are larger than the past, so they enter more pressure and damages into the vagina walls.
Moreover, today’s women are fatter than the previous, so they have more pressure on their pelvic.
Losing the connective tissues and chronic coughs due to the smoking are as the reasons of pelvic organ prolapse. People who have asthma, bronchitis and urinary incontinence have more risks of pelvic organ prolapse.
Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse
General symptoms are as following:
- Vaginal heaviness
- Swelling around the opening vagina
- Bulge in vagina or uterus
In some cases, the patients have both pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence, doing the physical activities become more difficult. So, the gynecologist should consider and examine the patients with more accuracy to determine the type of prolapse.
Knowing the patient’s background and physical examination, are so important to diagnose the pelvic organ prolapse. In addition, the bladder should be consider exactly.
Pelvic organ treatment
There are various ways of treatment. The swelling is not the only way of diagnosis of this problem. Uterus treatment is one way of treatment which is a non- surgical procedure. Women with urinary incontinence, should use tampons.
But the most effective solution is using the surgical treatment. But the cystocele treatment is the most difficult procedure to reconstruct the pelvic organ prolapse.
New technologies use the alive tissues, to decrease the irregularities. With using this modern technologies the risks of pelvic organ prolapse have decreased and are acceptable by more gynecologists.
Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist
Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran
Tell: +9821- 26641827
+9821- 26641908
+9821- 1831
+98912- 0897425