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Burning urination or dysuria means painful and irritating urination. This problem is so common among the young women and also in elderly men. Dysuria is a symptoms of urinary infection and is seen in kidneys, bladder and urethra.

Factors which affect in the urinary infections are as following:

  • Diabetes
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Kidney stones
  • Pregnancy
  • Hysterectomy background

Now, we consider signs and symptoms of urinary infection which result in dysuria.

  • Fever
  • Bloody urine
  • Frequent urge urinary
  • Flank pain
  • Painful intercourse
  • Smelly urine


Dysuria causes

Dysuria is common problem in female and can be as a sign of diseases. Mostly think that, urinary infection is cause of dysuria, but various factors can affect on this problem. This problem always is along with frequent urination.

Having dysuria with pain in genital area, is a sign of inflammation in vagina. Some women may have burning urination or dysuria after sexual intercourse. Because sexual intercourse is one of the cause of bladder infection and dysuria. This burning and irritation can be frequent.


Bladder cancer is another cause of dysuria and blood is seen in patient’s urine.

To diagnose dysuria causes, the gynecologist should consider urine infection, due to having various factors and causes.

Dysuria is seen more in young women. If a woman have pain early urination, is a sign of problem in urinary tract. Pain at the end of urination, is a sign of bladder problem.

Bladder inflammation is along with symptoms such as, pain in abdomen and frequent urination which is caused by infectious and non- infectious factors.

Various causes in genital infections are as follows:

  • Short urethra
  • Delayed emptying the bladder
  • Using diaphragm to prevent pregnancy
  • Using spermicidal gels to prevent pregnancy

Pregnant women and those who have urinary problem, should refer to a gynecologist, because all mentioned symptoms are dangerous and should consider. Doctor considers signs of problem and patient’s background and physical examinations such as pelvic examination in women and prostate examination in men.

In some case, doctors should consider the discharges, smelly or bloody urine. Urine culture is useful for diagnosis of dysuria to determine the kind of bacteria and then, needed antibiotic is prescribed.

Patients should drink more water and liquids to remove urinary infection and dysuria.

Contact Us

Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist

Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran

Tell: +9821- 26641827

+9821- 26641908

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