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irregular period

Irregular period


Most women have some questions and concerns about their menstrual period and its irregularities. In this study, we consider cause of irregular period.

Each woman has between 11 and 13 menstrual period each year. Each 30 days once, women has this cycle for 3 to 7 days. This means that the women have a normal menstrual period. After a while, women can predict starting time of their menstrual period.

Some women want to know the loses blood amount. But this amount varies from one women to the other one.

Irregular period has some symptoms such as:

  • Severe headache
  • Abdomen pain
  • Flatulency

This problem is not dangerous. But knowing causes of the irregular period is so important. Some of the causes are as following:

  • Pregnancy

Is one of the most common causes of the irregular period. In this cycle, some hormonal changes occur on the body that result in missed menstrual period. These changes, cause less bleeding or irregular period. Then, period will be missed and returns to its normal form after the pregnancy.

  • Stress

Stress disturbs the cortisol discharge. Presence of Cortisol on the blood, results in irregular period and amount of bleeding.

irregular period

  • Diet

Diet has direct impact on the menstrual period. Excessive weight loss or gain can results in some irregularities.

This syndrome causes irregular period. Some symptoms of the syndrome are such as: dandruff, over weighting and extra hair. This syndrome can result in heart diseases and ovary cancer.

During menopause, hormone changes occur on the body, same as pregnancy. Menopausal women should refer to a gynecologist to treat their problems.

Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist

Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran

Tell: +9821- 26641827

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