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contraceptive pills

Contraceptive pills

Contraceptive pills also known as birth control is an effective way for those who want to prevent pregnancy. There are other procedures such as surgery or medical ways. But using these pills is a simple and comfortable way to prevent pregnancy.
Contraceptive HD uses in high doses than LD pills. Oral pills are used for special diseases and are combination of estrogen and progestin.
Due to having estrogen and progestin mixture in these pills, discharges of LD and HD is inhibited. Using HD pills causes not releasing egg into the uterus and then results in preventing to be pregnant. Contraceptive HD pills thicken the cervix and sperms can not pass through this area.

Benefits of contraceptive pills
–    Reducing number of benign glands of breast
–    Reducing amount of bleeding during menstrual cycle
–    Reducing anemia symptoms and painful menstrual or heavy period
–    Reducing pelvic diseases
–    Reducing risk of cystic ovary syndrome and benign cysts
These pills are oral pills to prevent pregnancy with high rate of success. They are available in all drugstores and should use based on your gynecologist‘s prescription. It should be noted that, LD pills have more estrogen and progestin. You may have some spotting, symptoms such as headache, vomiting or nausea when you are using these pills, it’s common for 2 or 3 months, but if it continues more, should refer a doctor.
After using contraceptive pills, amount of bleeding will be decreased rather than the past. These pills are not recommended for women under 20. Therefore, avoid intractably use of drugs.

contraceptive pills

Important consideration about contraceptive HD pills

First effects of these pills appear 1 week after using first pack. It’s also recommended to use another way such as using condom to prevent pregnancy. You should use pills on time.

Risk of pregnancy

Although using contraceptive pills is a safe and secure way to prevent pregnancy, but, there is risk of fertilizing egg in this time. So, you should pay attention to signs and symptoms.

Contraindication cases:

  1. Migraine headaches
  2. Sugar diseases
  3. Epilepsy
  4. History of depression
  5. Pregnant women or those who are at high risk of pregnancy
  6. Risk of blood disorders
  7. Blood pressure disorders
  8. Women with breast cancer
  9. Those with sever uterine bleeding
  10. Cardiovascular diseases

Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist

Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran

Tell: +9821- 26641827

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