What is pessary?
Pessary is a tiny and small ring which is made of vinyl, and inserted into the vagina, protects the vaginal wall, lifts the bladder and then reduces the urinary incontinence. Some pessaries are designed that women can put it themselves.
Pessary, is a non- surgical treatment for those who don’t have sexual intercourse, and can not perform surgery or want to perform surgery but not able to do, such as pregnant or sick women.
Pessary usages
This is a useful procedure to treat the following problems:
- Urinary incontinence
- Uterine prolapse
- Bladder prolapse
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Cystocele
- Rectocele
Pessary has different types and sizes, so, the gynecologist is the best advisor to have the minimal damage and the best efficiency. This medical device should insert inside the vagina with minimal pressure. Ring should remove and clean in special time to prevent infections.
It’s better for patients to use estrogen cream, while inserting the pessary, to prevent vaginal wall infection and destruction.
What are benefits of pessary?
This procedure has various benefits for those women who have surgical problems. Some of the benefits are as:
- Lifting the bladder
- Lifting the uterus
- Preventing from the vaginal destruction and adhesion
- Reducing pain in elder women
- Treating the urinary incontinence
- Treating high blood pressure and diabetes
Types of pessaries
Pessary comes in different sizes and shapes, depends on the patient’s need and problem. Generally, there are 2 types of pessary which can put and remove by own patients, and other type is as should put and remove by a skilled gynecologist.
Mostly, use pessaries while doing activities and exercises or long time sitting. These patients, use that type that can remove the device by its own.
What are risks of using pessary?
Some risks and complications are as following:
- Scars in vaginal wall
- Placing in improper place and putting pressure the vagina wall
- Pressure to the rectum wall and prevent from correct excretion of food
So, the gynecologist should assess her patients and select the best type of pessary to reduce the possible risks and complications. Patients should consider instructions about usage and cleaning the device.
Pessary is an effective and non- surgical procedure to reduce pelvic organ prolapse. It should be noted that if you are a young woman and have not had pregnancy yet, surgery can damage into the uterine and threaten your pregnancy in future. This procedure is not suitable for those who have hysterectomy, because the vagina wall can not tolerate the pessary.
Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist
Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran
Tell: +9821- 26641827
+9821- 26641908
+9821- 1831
+98912- 0897425