genital cosmetic surgery
Genital cosmetic surgery
Today’s, due to the advancement of technologies and knowledge, and effects of aesthetics on people’s life, genital cosmetic surgery have became more popular than the past, specially in older women and also menopausal women. Until many years ago, surgery was the only way of lifting and tightening vagina, that had its risks and complications.
But by advancement of technologies and medical knowledge, surgeons use the newest methods to perform lifting and tightening vagina and also, all aspects of beauty and function of vagina is considered and kept. In previous methods, there were risks such as bleeding, swelling, infection, prolonged recovery time and post operative cares. But now genital cosmetic surgery is done more comfortable and with no pain and inconvenience, and also has well feedback among people.
Reception of new methods
Statistics shows that, genital cosmetic surgery have had ascending process due to the newest methods and advanced technologies. Risks such as bleeding, fear of surgery and prolonged recovery time have reduced and in contrary, benefits of genital cosmetic surgery is increasing.
These surgeries, is done more convenience with low cost by using laser therapy, so, reception from genital cosmetic surgeries in increasing.
Female problems
Vaginal prolapsed is a common problem in women after 30. This problem also is seen in virgin women. After pregnancy and childbearing, vagina loose its elasticity due to improper feeding, using caffeine and lack of movement.