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genital darkness

Genital darkness

Genital darkness occurs due to various reasons. Genital is an important area for women, so, any color changes is unpleasant for them. Some areas such as nipples, armpits and genital area are darker than other areas. But too darkness can be threatening.
What are causes of genital darkness?
–    Genital is an area that wears by clothes, so, doesn’t receive any airway and results in color changes.
–    Sweat is a waste matter that evacuates from body and consists of chemical material. Taking a bath can remove this material from your body. So, sweat on the skin is one reason of genital darkness.
–    Thigh and close- fitting blocks the airway to the genital and results in genital darkness.
–    Heavy walking and more over weighting leads to eroding and friction and finally, results in genital darkness.
–    Aging affects on the hormones and changes their function. And then results in darkness.
–    This situation can have genetics or hereditary causes.
–    Pregnancy. Some women may experience darkness during this period of life.
–    Too much shaving of hair or using lotions for a long time.
–    Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
–    Using non- herbal clothes and not changing daily of the clothes

How to treat genital darkness?
Severe genital darkness should be treated as soon as possible. But light darkness is removed by a gynecologist‘s prescription or using lightening creams and drugs. Laser therapy is an effective way to remove darkness.

Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist

Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran

Tell: +9821- 26641827

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