Uterine cancer
Uterine cancer
All around the world, women have high risks of different genital diseases. Genital system is an important part of women’s body. So women should care about their genital health. Unfortunately, uterine cancer, is one of the cancers which is increasing among the women. So, in this article, we try to introduce the symptoms, reasons and the way of diagnosis.
Uterus is an organ, which has placed in pelvis. Women are exposure to uterine cancer, specially after their menopause, due to changes in endometric sells. The gynecologist, Dr. Bahmanpour expresses that, uterine cancer differentiates from opening uterine cancer, so the doctor should pay attention to the symptoms.
Reasons of uterine cancer
There is no specific reason, but some factors are as following:
- Aging: women who are above the 50.
- Estrogen treatment: using estrogen is recommended to women who have menopause symptoms or have osteoporosis. Also estrogen is used to decrease the risk of heart attacks. But using high amount of estrogen can increase the chance of given uterine cancer.
- Over weighting
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Women who have had colon cancer or breast cancer
- Women with disordered or serotinous menstrual.
- Symptoms of uterine cancer
- Women who have erratic and heavy menstrual and, are before the menopause, should refer to a doctor.
- Women who have vaginal bleeding should refer to a doctor. Having abnormal bleeding is a sign of uterine cancer.
- Dr Bahmanpour expresses that, uterus cancer has a slow improvement, so if you refer to a doctor, on time, can prevent it and treat the cancer so easily.
- How to diagnose an uterine cancer?
- First, doctors and gynecologists prescribes a series tests, such hysteroscopy, to diagnose an uterus cancer. Hysteroscopy, examines the inside of uterus. Sometimes doctors advice sonography, to diagnose the cancer. Or take the samples from the uterus tissues.
Uterine cancer treatment
- In 90% cases, with using hysteroscopy, removing the gonad or uterus, the cancer is treated.
- In advanced cases, radiotherapy is used.
Dr. Bahmanpour also recommends that, women should do pap- smear, to treat the cancer easily. If the uterine cancer doesn’t diagnose, well-timed, can be dangerous, because this cancer can be malignant and can threat the women healthy.
Most doctors believe that, the persons who:
- Smoke
- Use anti- pregnancy tablets
- Have positive HIV
Have high risk of uterine cancer than others.
So uterine cancer can be dangerous, if doesn’t treat at early phases. So pay attention to your body healthy. Do the related tests and checkups, refer to a skillful gynecologist. In this way, such as other simple diseases, the uterus cancer also can be treated.
Contact Dr. Mitra Bahmanpour, Gynecologist
Address: Khalij Fars Building. Next to 18th st. Velenjak. Tehran. Iran
Tell: +9821- 26641827
+9821- 26641908
+9821- 1831
+98912- 0897425